
sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Digital Primitives

«Jazz may be a thrilling communion with the primitive soul; or it may be an ear-splitting bore». Anónimo

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore

«I don't have a definition of jazz... You're just supposed to know it when you hear it». Thelonius Monk

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore_Assif Tsahar

«Jazz is a music made by and for people who have chosen to feel good in spite of conditions» Johnny Griffin

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore_Assif Tsahar

«Jazz will endure just as long people hear it through their feet instead of their brains» John Philip Sousa

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore

"There are wonderful things in real jazz, the talent for improvisation, the liveliness, the being at one with the audience" Henri Matisse

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore_Chad Taylor

"By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn't want your daughter to associate with" Duke Ellington

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore_Assif Tsahar

«Jazz is...an open-ended music designed for open minds» Anónimo

Digital Primitives_Cooper-Moore

"I don't know where jazz is going. Maybe it's going to hell. You can't make anything go anywhere. It just happens" Thelonius Monk

Digital Primitives 
Cooper-Moore_voz_ashimba_diddley-bo_flauta_harp_hoe handle_mouth bow
Assif Tsahar_saxo tenor_clarinete bajo
Chad Taylor_batería
La Cova del Drac-Jazz Room, Barcelona, 05.03.13

2 comentarios:

  1. Gracias Fernando. Por cierto, muy interesante tu blog de poesía. Me lo pongo en el google reader para seguirlo.


Gracias por tu comentario! Es un placer saber de ti!