“His bass playing naturally finds the important common denominators, and composition-wise, every ingredient serves its purpose”
Johannes Cornell - Dagens Nyheter
"For several hundred years, people in Northern Norway have claimed that the Northern Lights make sound. Now researchers in Tromsø will try to catch its tune. "I am very fascinated by all the myths surrounding the Northern Lights, especially in the Sami culture. Several people from the older generations have claimed that they have heard the Northern Lights," says Unni Pia Løvhaug.
One of the words for Northern Lights in Sami is guovssahasat, which means the light you can hear." The Norway Post
Con composiciones y arreglos de Johannes Nästesjö, NEO ofrece un jazz muy especial, con unas claras raíces nórdicas y que combina elementos de música clásica, free-jazz y fusión. La banda se caracteriza por tener un sonido único gracias al uso de una instrumentación poco habitual en el jazz: contrabajo, violín, saxo y batería (nota extraída del programa del Estival de Jazz).
Johannes Nästesjö_contrabajo
Stefan Pöntinen_violín
Pep Mula_batería
Marcelo Gabard Pazos_saxo barítono_saxo alto
Sala La Ramona, Barcelona, 27.06.14
Pep Mula_batería
Marcelo Gabard Pazos_saxo barítono_saxo alto
Sala La Ramona, Barcelona, 27.06.14